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A trio of Carmelite saints


In a book (Women Mystics) by the French convert Lutheran minister and theologian Louis Bouyer (1913-2004), a priest of the Oratory, he has this to say about the Carmelite trio Therese of Lisieux, Elizabeth of the Trinity, and Edith Stein:

They have done more than anyone else to make it possible for Christians to lead, either in the cloister or in the world, a contemplative life of a Christian purity and intensity seldom seen since the patristic period. … That these three are found in the same Carmelite Order in our time, succeeding each other from one generation to the next, can be considered one of the greatest heavenly gifts made to the Church at a time when a weakened Christianity has had more need of it than ever …’

We have such beautiful saints in Carmel …



B, struggling with brain cancer, and his wife A

Im, young wife struggling with cancer



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