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Carmel and Technology


Among the most endearing of the many new technologies to me are What’s App groups.  A What’s App group has just been started for the members of the young Romsey Secular group and it has unleashed a beautiful wave of contributions focussing on such topics as the rosary and pilgrimages and devotions.  I know from experience that these innovative developments wax and wane, but that doesn’t matter.  The members of the group are talking to each other and sharing with much affection.  I joined Carmel looking for a way to grow closer to God in company with others; I am very happy with the spiritual journey I have been on in Carmel, but the sense of union with others on the way is a very big plus.  Using new technologies, we very quickly take them for granted, but I sometimes find myself filled with astonishment when I ponder the dramatic transformation wrought by electronics just over the past thirty years.  Such a  tool for good - even while we all know the potential for evil.   



Marie, Bernard (and wife Angela), Agnes – cancer

Siena, Elara – sick children

Rosemarie – very seriously ill

Wojtek – massive heart attack leaving him incapacitated

RIP Anthony Kirke, husband of Judith Kirke OCDS (distributors of the Carmelite Diary)

RIP Roswitha Watson OCDS (former President of St Therese Community, Oxford)




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