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Hidden potential

I guess we are just at the beginning of the internet age. We in Carmel are faced with the challenge of making use of this tool to fulfil that part of our vocation that involves communication and sharing. We hear so much about the damaging ways that the internet has opened up in our time in its potential to spread evil communications far and wide. Yet in the last resort it is just a tool that can be used for good or evil, and I receive beautiful messages from all over the world on sites like 'Friends of the OCDS' on Facebook. I am sure there is much more potential out there for us to share Carmel's beautiful message - but I confess that I don't know how. I hope there can be more pooling of thoughts and ideas about this as time goes by. At the moment I feel that we are faced with opportunities we don't really know how to grasp. May the Good Lord guide us in this as in everything.

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