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Sometimes insecurity is better


When my OCDS community first began more than twenty years ago, there were four of us.  I was completely new to Carmel, I was just trying it out because I had come to a plateau in my spiritual life and I realised that I needed the help of others to draw closer to God.  I was anxious because we were so few, I didn’t want to be part of a failing group, but something kept me going to the meetings, thanks be to God.  At one meeting there were only three of us, and I voiced my anxieties to one of my mentors, experienced Carmelite Judith (who is mentioned in the prayers below).  I have never forgotten her response, which came to me as entirely unexpected.  With a smile on her face, she uttered three simple words: “Insecurity is better!”  Little by little, over the next twelve plus years, membership of the group grew to fifteen or more and eventually we calved and gave birth to another group, which has itself grown and is thriving at the present moment.  Nowadays I find myself repeating Judith’s words to others in my own role as mentor in Carmel.



Marie, Bernard (and wife Angela), Agnes – cancer

Siena, Elara – sick children

Rosemarie – very seriously ill

Wojtek – massive heart attack leaving him incapacitated

RIP Anthony Kirke, husband of Judith Kirke OCDS (distributors of the Carmelite Diary)

RIP Roswitha Watson OCDS (former President of St Therese Community, Oxford)




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