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Stories of Carmel

We have started a new section on the website. It comes under the 'Enrichment' heading. It is simply entitled 'Stories'. We want to include here accounts by people who have either found the Secular Carmelites or entered a Carmelite monastery. Please send such stories to me at The first story has just been put in the section, it is a story that has recently been published on this blog. The stories don't need to be of living persons, they can be of past figures. I love life stories and especially those that are in some way inspirational. My own journey into Carmel was very straightforward. Twenty years ago or more I was on a plateau in my spiritual life, I was attending mass regularly and spending time in daily prayer but I knew there was more. I tried various ways of moving forward but nothing seemed to suit me. Then I picked up a leaflet in the Seculars at the back of a church and read it and there was a phone number on it and I picked up the phone and essentially one thing led to another and there I was attending a regular monthly meeting. I still am ....

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