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Teresa among the saints


I have recently discovered a fascinating book by Pablo Maria Garrido O.Carm (St Teresa, St John of the Cross and the Spanish Carmelites).  This author writes – among other things – about the huge regard in which Teresa of Avila was universally held in the aftermath of her death.  Just one example of the immensity of general respect for her.  A preacher said that ‘such profundity of doctrine could be found, such sweetness and eloquence, such clarity and detachment, that her writings were the equal of the writings left by St Augustine, St Ambrose, and St Peter Chrysologus.’  He continued ‘There is something special in the writings of St Teresa and what they accomplish in those who read them opens the way to great compunction and devotion.’  I find it both astonishing and very uplifting that our beloved St Teresa could be put so soon after her death on a par with the great Augustine, such an outstanding figure in Church history.



Marie, Bernard (and wife Angela), Agnes – cancer

Siena, Elara – sick children

Rosemarie – very seriously ill

Wojtek – massive heart attack leaving him incapacitated

RIP Roswitha Watson OCDS (former President of St Therese Community, Oxford)



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