Just back from a lightning visit to Compostela. We did not have the time to do the proper Camino, we did it by boat from Plymouth to Santander and then by road to Compostela. My companions have an aged mother at home and cannot get away for more than a few days. But hey, if you can't do the best you may be able to do the good, as I always say. I was particularly taken by the fact that there are two statues of St Salome, mother of James and John, in the cathedral. It's a reminder of the importance of the mother in raising men. We - all three of us Secular Carmelites - had the privilege of being there on St Teresa's feast day and of going to confession. It seemed to be so special, receiving absolution on her special day in one of the great shrines of Christendom.
Im, struggling through the long process of recovery from a very demanding operation
S, an infant with severe health problems
D, a young doctor with recurring kidney infections