England, Wales and Scotland
Secular Carmelite Retreat 2021
For PDFs of the text click on Part headings
For YouTube videos click on titles of individual talks
1 St John of the Cross’s opening prayer from ‘Sayings of Light and Love’
2 St Teresa of Avila on being listened to in prayer and being raised to contemplation
3 St John of the Cross and his Secret Ladder of Contemplation (Part 1)
4 St John of the Cross and his Secret Ladder of Contemplation (Part 2)
5 The person disguised, clothed in the theological virtues of faith, hope & love
6 St Teresa of Avila’s ‘Spiritual Testimony’ from Seville, 1576, Part 1
7 Teresa’s ‘Spiritual Testimony’ Part 2: Deep inner spiritual experiences
8 Teresa’s ‘Spiritual Testimony’ Part 3: Understanding our spiritual experiences
9 St John of the Cross on the place of Jesus Christ in the spiritual life
10 From the beginning our hearts must be set on the goal